In the heart of the New Forest, 5 years ago, the first ever Passenger t-shirt and beanie was sold. They began their journey around the world, true travel companions and pioneers that sparked a passion for our craft that today is stronger than ever.

We've been on countless adventures but the memories that stay with me are time spent fireside with old friends, new friends and the truly inspirational folk we've met along the way. I'm humbled by the endless support and good vibes from our community of like minded people; the nomads, the wanderers, the roamers.

We've planted over 20,000 trees, developed boardshorts made from 100% recycled plastic bottles, removed all non-recycled or recyclable plastics from our packaging and crafted timeless travel accessories from off-cuts and waste fabrics destined for landfill.
Sometimes all it takes is to seek somewhere new, near or far with open eyes and a sense of wonder. Watching the sunrise, a weekend road trip or simply tapping out for an afternoon, going off-grid and reconnecting.

It's been a journey, but this is just the beginning. Where next? Look out for sustainable fabrics and materials such as 100% organic cottons, Yak hair yarns and accessories that take things to the next level. We'll be further reducing plastics, the footprint of our product ranges and of course, as much tree planting as we can.

The core of Passenger remains the same as it was all those years ago, the fire deep down that drives everything we do: Crafting products that are made to roam, inspiring a life of meaningful adventure and protecting the places we play.
Thanks for sharing the journey with us, it's been real, here's to 5 more.
Richard Sutcliffe